Thursday, February 10, 2011

     That picture made me laugh, so It's there. But this isn't about Jesus. Or Colonel Sanders and his delightfully unhealthy chicken. I was sitting in my International Economics class today doing my crossword and minding my own business when to the right of my crossword the horoscope section caught my eye. I'm not usually one to read horoscopes, or even one to believe that they hold any merit (I mean come on, just this year it apparently changed? No thanks. It's just like Pluto. Once a planet, always a planet.) And because we all know chinese fortune cookies are where true fortune telling is at... But today had a "5" next to my symbol (on a scale of 1-10 how hard "1" or easy "10" it will be) so I was intrigued into reading it.
     In a basic summary it told me that my day wasn't going to be easy and the most important thing I could remember was to not "overthink" things. So naturally it got me to thinking about the concept of overthinking and it made me realize that it's something I do almost on a minute by minute basis in my life and I can't clearly define it as a good thing or a bad thing at this point. I say good because it helps me to analyze all my decisions very thoroughly and have tons of scenarios ready in my brain for possible outcomes to everyday activities. That's great. But now the downside. I think of even the worst case scenarios. Stuff that makes me worry and get really sad or depressed for no reason, just because I'm overthinking it. Or because I'm thinking about what COULD be happening at any time and not really sure. I guess that's also the same thing as making assumptions. I guess I just don't want to have to overthink these kind of things or make assumptions. I just like knowing, and not being in situations of uncertainty. 
     New goal: Think less. Do more. 

On a bright note:
-Overthinking may offer protection from Dementia...haha

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