I decided instead of trying to think of something to write about I would just jot down a few minutes worth of the inner thoughts that are going through my head. If the chatroom format gets confusing just try to picture it like That 70's Show where the camera is in the middle of a circle moving around as the conversation goes....
Brian(1): Hey look the Daily Show is on
Brian(2): Yeah? That's cool with me
Brian(3): Fuck yeah! They're talking about the Irish Republic Army
Brian(4): Wait, why are we watching t.v. right now?
#2: Don't you know what tomorrow is?
#1: The holiday of our forefathers?
#2: Exactly.
#3: Hell yeah, St. Patty's day bitches.
#1: Siiiiggggh, the ole' liver is going to take quite a beating
#3: Haha yeah, especially since we should be starting early assuming Kristin doesn't die tonight
#4: I get it, so we're chillin' in preperation. So who wants to smoke a bowl?
#2: ...
#1: ...
#3: Go back to sleep #4.
#1: I feel like death is going to occur for us during the half marathon next month.
#3: Yeeeaaah. We've been really bad about that whole "running" thing.
#2: It's cool, if NPH can just up and run a marathon in How I Met Your Mother then we can call upon his awesome power in our time of need and everything will be alright.
#4: Whoa what's going on guys?
#1: Why do you even ask that question? You know perfectly well what's going on because you've been sitting there the whole time. Oh and because we share thoughts.
#3: #4 you're an idiot.
#2: Come on now guys leave him alone. He does bring up a good question though, what is going on? We're all thinking about her right?
#1: Haha of course we are #2. It's kind of hard not to.
#3: He's asbsofuckinlutely right chap.
#4: So why don't we do something about it?
#1: We've been over this. What is there to do right now? And frankly, do you ever think there'll ever be the right chance/time to do anything?
#2: You're a booger face.
#3: Yeah well you're a towel.
#4: A beaner towel.
#1: ...You guys are the worst. Some day I'll make you have a serious conversation with me.
#3: Good luck assclown.
#1: Really? No...really?
#3: ....I'm sorry.
#4: Let's run in the morning before drinking commences?
#1,2,3: I'm in.
#3: I'm boreeeeeeeed
#1: I know #3, but the alternative activities of the moment are trifling.
#2: I just wish there was a solid internet connection in this house
#4: fasdkfhalisdgflaijsdkhfakjshdflajhdljva
#3: ...? Feel like you needed a little attention there big guy?
#4: Maybe...
#3: Hey hey! #6 you tourette havin' bastard. Good to see ya! Now it's a party...
Ok, I'm going to go do something else now. As always, stay classy.
awesome. I like your brain and the many topics it discusses. I also the how "unicorn" was thrown in there at the end. oh, and if NPH can do a marathon with no training, you can do a half no problem!