Monday, February 21, 2011

The Egypt Story

     Congratulations America. We have officially found our exit strategy for our war in the middle east. How you ask? We are starting a different war. A new cold war. With everyone. Recent pro-democratic movements succeeding in Egypt have erupted into what seems to be a new worldwide craving for democracy. It's not even a slight craving either, it went from backburner ideal to now fullblown crack craving. Seriously check these out: ChinaUkraineTunisia, MoroccoLibya aaaaand Wisconsin? Haha.
     So now you see what I'm talking about right? There's actually more to support this idea. Looking back in history how did we, as America, get out of previous depression and recessions? Wars. We start wars and then the industrial machine that America is gets all of its wheels moving and it booms economically. That's just what we do. So here we are, waging a new war. Yes, we had a part in igniting the middle eastern powder keg. "And then the evil non-democracy monsters said, 'You shall have no more facebook or twitter!!'" Seriously, that's what happened in Egypt. These people utilized facebook and twitter to organize and promote the entire revolution! Both are American companies/products/whatever you want to call them in this case. It just happened on their servers. Lol let's face it. We might be starting a cold war. If we are, let's hope it works and it fixes our economy for a while and makes our lives better just so that we can leave a pile of crap for the generation that must eventually try to bring it to an end...(sarcasm). Oh well. That's what's up in Egypt and what I consider the Egypt story.

On a side-note: I guess it's time to get some new underpants...

In Memoriam

      Ah Monday, here we meet again. And if here we meet then it must mean a weekend has passed. What is happening to time and why won't it just slow down a little? Just yesterday I was maybe 5 years old running around a garage sale that my Great-Grandma was having at her house. It was a canary yellow house if I do recall. I dunno, it's hard to remember sometimes because it was sold to Illinois Wesleyan when I was pretty young and then demolished for a library before being able to form absolute memories of it. Regardless, there is one that I recall, and what do ya know? It's because I get wounded. Life story really.
    That brings us back to the garage sale and a game of tag amongst myself and some kinship. Typically people have some sort of filler to compliment the area under an exterior windowsill whether it be bushes, gardens, gnomes, lawn flamingos etc. get the idea. My great grandmother had cacti. They weren't huge cacti either. I'm talking 4-5 inches tall and maybe 6 inches wide. Reeeeeaal intimidating, I promise. But there they are, right there in a neat line around the side of the house. During this game of tag though I just happened to step upon one of those little buggers while barefoot. I remember thinking that if the devil had appeared right then and offered to trade my right nut in order to avoid that cactus I would have...ok. That was a lie. I was only like 5. I just remember crying like a little girl and then walking it off like a man. Haha but cacti? Who does that? I can sit around and wonder where my oddity comes from but I think this walk down memory lane has taught me a very important lesson: it's been passed down from generation to generation from the family. Years in the making, like a fine wine if you will.... It's only getting better with time.
     I found out early Sunday morning that my Great-Grandmother had passed away. Her last remaining sibling had passed away 2 weeks ago making the timing almost seem like it was meant to be. As I mentioned earlier there are only so many ways to explain where someone gets alot of their behaviors and virtues before you realize family is one of, if not the, main contributors. For that I would like to forever remember my Great-Grandma Kohler and the legacy she has left behind in myself and all of my family and its growth forever to come.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Backwards Approach

     It's been a busy past couple days and I have an important test tomorrow I should be studying for. So naturally that's why I'm here putting in a blog entry. I spent a good portion of this past weekend looking to the future (post-graduation) plans as far as jobs/graduate school options go. I also drank a little bit, but not in conjunction with the planning haha. I'm going to roll through this from the end to the beginning starting with me at work this evening....   
      Well here I am at work. I was supposed to be supervising lacrosse and no one showed up. What did I do instead? Studied like a champ and did cartwheels around the gym to keep the motion activated light system on until another sport club came. Stop hating. But yeah, I also decided it was a good time to think about a blog entry. And thus, this idea was born that I will materialize my plans from the weekend in order to see them in words and graphics instead of just as an idea. Motivation mother fu$%ers. So here's what I'm thinking...
     It all started here. I have decided to file my own taxes this year and do it on my own in its entirety. It may not seem crazy to some people but I'm nervous. The IRS can be real buttholes. This isn't about the IRS though. From taxes I started thinking about my FAFSA. Gotta do my taxes to do my FAFSA. Gotta do my FAFSA in case I want to go to grad school. Which brings us to the next part of the story...
      That's the webpage for Depaul's graduate school of business along with numerous other schools. Time to get my information super overload on. Ideally it would be cool to find a full-time job and do a weekend MBA program (especially in the Chicagoland area...) but I don't even know if that's possible. Hence all the reading I will be doing. Along with schools I started my resume and searching for positions that could be applicable for me. By the way, I'm really sorry if anyone's still reading at this point. I'm kinda just doing this to organize my thoughts. I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob. But this led immediately to the admission requirement of taking the GMAT. Thus the next chapter begins...

      The GMAT site. Interesting. Signing up for next month. Alright, I have that long to finish my resume, ask my bosses for letters of recommendations, write some personal statements, make job specific cover letters while finding jobs worth applying for. Alright, I shall add that to the pile. Chapter of the next...

     Basically this is a basic chart my friend gave me last year for my first half marathon and now it's up and on the wall. I'm supposed to be in week 5... Don't even worry about that. This is in April so I'm going to use it as my main distractor from nonsense distractions. Running, class, work, shenanigans when appropriate. It's the life of a boss. That's where I am though. That's what I need to do. Time to do it. Oh and now the finale that brings up back to the present...


Thursday, February 10, 2011

     That picture made me laugh, so It's there. But this isn't about Jesus. Or Colonel Sanders and his delightfully unhealthy chicken. I was sitting in my International Economics class today doing my crossword and minding my own business when to the right of my crossword the horoscope section caught my eye. I'm not usually one to read horoscopes, or even one to believe that they hold any merit (I mean come on, just this year it apparently changed? No thanks. It's just like Pluto. Once a planet, always a planet.) And because we all know chinese fortune cookies are where true fortune telling is at... But today had a "5" next to my symbol (on a scale of 1-10 how hard "1" or easy "10" it will be) so I was intrigued into reading it.
     In a basic summary it told me that my day wasn't going to be easy and the most important thing I could remember was to not "overthink" things. So naturally it got me to thinking about the concept of overthinking and it made me realize that it's something I do almost on a minute by minute basis in my life and I can't clearly define it as a good thing or a bad thing at this point. I say good because it helps me to analyze all my decisions very thoroughly and have tons of scenarios ready in my brain for possible outcomes to everyday activities. That's great. But now the downside. I think of even the worst case scenarios. Stuff that makes me worry and get really sad or depressed for no reason, just because I'm overthinking it. Or because I'm thinking about what COULD be happening at any time and not really sure. I guess that's also the same thing as making assumptions. I guess I just don't want to have to overthink these kind of things or make assumptions. I just like knowing, and not being in situations of uncertainty. 
     New goal: Think less. Do more. 

On a bright note:
-Overthinking may offer protection from Dementia...haha

Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Thought 2/7

Well the Super Bowl was yesterday. I honestly don't remember much of it though because I was absolutely bacon wasted. Just shitfaced. But that's not what is on my mind right now. My dad just sent me a letter in the mail today in which I found this direct quote, "Drop me a line on facebook when you get a chance. Hope it doesn't embarrass you too much much when I leave an occasional remark!"...First off. Thanks dad.   Remember when technology started just getting out of hand in the 90's with the internet? Old people would bitch about it alllll the time. Now it's like their catnip. I mean, in a mainstream example we have the Brett Favre scandal. He's 41 and he's sexting his dong all over the place. Now I'm not saying 41 is old but it's definitely in that gray area that has to make you wonder. I guess it shouldn't be so weird to think that people can adapt and enjoy such things at any age. I 'm just intrigued by the way everyone does it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hello Blogging World

The topic of blogging has been brought up several times in the past few months amongst my friends and it got me to thinking it might be interesting to get one. I dunno if I'm supposed to expect people to read this but if there are people who do I warn you now: I am CONSTANTLY thinking, going through intricate crazy plans or just basically following a path of ridiculous thought. At times they may be interesting. At other times they may be pointless. I just hope this blog will help me catalogue some of my thoughts so maybe I can pinpoint the more important ones and focus on them. Regardless, let the journey begin...